Like any other day, i spent the weekend doing chores. Helping August in the honey house, and helping May and Rosaleen do little stuff here and there. Nothing special was happening around here. There had been a few things on my mind, and no matter how hard i tried to push them away, they kept coming back. I knew it wouldn't be long before T.ray would come looking for me. Knowing him, he'd probably been pacing the living room all week wondering where id gone. I was terrified of him coming and finding me here with August. I didn't want him showing up making big fuss. But as for my mother, i felt closer to her than ever, i knew she had been here with the calender sisters, i just knew it. All i needed to do was to figure out how i would tell August about her without my whole story crumbling. I spent every night looking at the picture of Mary, hoping she would tell me what to do, hoping shed send me some kind of sign that would let me know everything was going to be alright.One of the nights i woke up to May sobbing, but of course i wasn't surprised. I could hear August and June trying to calm her down. Poor old May, couldn't even get a good nights rest without having one of her episodes. As i lay there i started to ask Mary to give May strength, to somehow take all her sorrow away to some place far from here. I heard August and June walking May out to the wall, and i decided to do something id been wanting to do. I went to Our Lady of Chains and asked her to help me figure things out. I stood there in the darkness talking to her, as if she could here me, as if there was anything she would be able to do. But i still had some hope left in me, i knew shed help me, there was something in me that just knew it.