The article that i read was about a new 2010 discovery. The discovery of the TV on the go. This system will only be broadcast in select cities and will soon be transferred to net books and cell phones, making it easier to watch live games and TV shows.This new discovery is a big deal because people wont have to spend $4.00 a minute to watch TV on cell phones anymore. There is said to be a USB that will allow Lap tops to have this feature as well. The only down fall of this new function is that it will be powered by towers that will be paced in selected cities & will cost about $150,000 in each city.
In 2005 a satellite was designed to take measurements of the sea, ice, and glaciers. The satellite failed to work, making the original CryoSat satellite crash into the Arctic Ocean. In late February of this year, the space agency will get another chance to launch the satellite. This topic is important because they will be able to identify the temperatures of the polar ice caps, the ocean circulation, and the rising sea levels.
1) Goal: One of my goals for this semester is to take ownership in my work to make sure its the best it could be and that i try my hardest to complete it on time.
2) Goal: Another one of my goals for the semester is to try to step up and share more in class instead of keeping to myself and not really sharing my ideas.
Directions for the DP Reflection: Complete these steps every time you put a new project of completed assignment on your DP.
Project Description:
-What was the assignment? Describe it here.
The assignment was to learn about a specific civilization & the different parts of creating a successful civilization. we were to create a essay about the specifics of what we learned. we were also required to paint a pillar that represented the specific part of the civilization that we learned about.
-What steps did you take to get to the final product?
In order to complete the essay and the pillar i had to do a lot of research. It took many drafts and revisions in order to get the final essay. As for the pillar, we had to think about what we were going to draw that would represent our civilization. The sketch for our pillar also had to be approved.
-What did you learn?
I learned a lot about the Aztecs & their civilization that i didn't know before. I also learned a lot about their religion and society, and how their religious beliefs affected their daily life.
-What challenges did you encounter?
Writing the essay was somewhat of a challenge because the information i got was kind of hard to understand.
-What would you do the same or different?
I would have taken more time on the essay and made sure it was the best it could have been before actually turning it in.
-How will this help you later?
It will help me understand the topic more. It will also push me to improve my writing & allow me to include all the requirements of the essay.
- A physical piece of evidence that shows the project and its components.