1) Why is this here?
To offer people healthier foods.
2) Whats your role?
I water and pick out dead plants.
3) What going to happen to the garden in the summer?
I have no idea, someone might come check on it every now and then but i don't know.
4) Who's idea was it to create this?
It was John the environmental teacher who came up with this idea.
5) What are you growing?
All kinds of stuff, Personally i'm growing potatoes.
In a way it does inspire me because it seems pretty cool to grow your own foods and plants. It was interesting to see all the different things the seniors were growing like strawberries, lettuce, etc.
2) What was your favorite part of the garden?
My favorite part of visiting the school garden was seeing how everyone was so involved and excited to show us what they were growing.
3) Do you think the seniors care about the garden?
To me it looked like they did, everyone i saw seemed involved and excited about the things they had growing in the garden.
4) Why did they come up the garden?
When i asked one of the seniors why they created the garden they said it was a project that their teacher thought would be a fun way to grow healthy stuff.
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